Is stress keeping you awake?

Some of our best ideas come when we are not at work, or even thinking about work. Sometimes it is on the morning run, or when you are mindlessly scrolling through social media, or shopping for the groceries. Being away from work often gives us the time and space we need to solve problems. 

But sometimes this evolves to always thinking about work. And by thinking, we often mean stressing. Do you wake up at 3am worried about work? Whether it is the first patient of the day, or how to manage some difficulties with staff, or whether the problems with the x-ray machine have really been fixed?

Stress can lead to sleep deprivation, which can exacerbate stress and negatively impact on not only our wellbeing, but our cognitive functioning – things that are critical to our work such as critical thinking, judgement, problem solving and organisation.

What can you do to ensure a good night sleep?

  • Exercise: A little bit of moderate exercise is important in helping improve sleep quality, including falling asleep faster and not ruminating during the night. You don’t necessarily need to exercise in the evening to get this benefit.

  • Eating well: Healthy food and drink play an important role in our overall wellbeing, but they are also essential to sleep. Staying hydrated,

  • To-do list: Sometimes writing down the tasks for the next day or week can help to take a load off your mind, and help you to relax at night.

  • Journal: Keeping a journal can be a good way to process your thoughts and can help to process emotions and reduce stress. Focusing on gratitude and positive events is also an important way to bring a sense of calm before sleep.

  • Sunlight: Circadian rhythms are important in regulating sleep and waking, so getting out into the morning sun is important.

Stress is inevitable, but taking steps to address it can help to ensure that you get a good night sleep so that it doesn’t affect your performance the next day.


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