
The Mindful Smiles Hub is committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of all members of the dental team across Australia. The purpose of the Mindful Smiles Hub is to:

  • Consider evidence-based strategies to promote positive wellbeing for all members of the dental team

  • Make recommendations to professional associations to help drive a wellbeing agenda

  • Seek insights on mental health and wellbeing issues across the dental professional space

  • Consider which interventions or programs are needed/of interest

  • Create a forum to discuss the latest research for health professionals on mental health, wellbeing and share information on suicide prevention knowledge, programs, and practice.

  • Provide national and whole of team perspectives to inform decisions

  • Curate resources to support the mental health and wellbeing for all members of the dental team

Strategic Context

Mental health problems are common across the dental team, with high rates of burnout, psychological distress, anxiety disorder, depression and suicidal ideation relative to the general community. Poor mental health and wellbeing can impact on the provision of dental care and contribute to workforce issues. There is a need for a coherent national strategy to address these issues and ensure that there are appropriate programs and resources available to support the mental health and wellbeing of all members of the dental team.

There is an abundance of resources and support available to members of the dental team, but it lacks coordination and a central point of focus. The work of the Mindful Smiles Hub is to collate this information, contextualise it for the dental team, make it readily available, raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and work to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

Strategic Objective

To improve the mental health and wellbeing of all members of the dental team.

We aim to achieve our mission and objectives by focussing on four strategic priorities:


The Mindful Smiles Hub aims to be the leading voice for mental health and wellbeing for all members of the dental team in Australia. Our role is to advocate on mental health and wellbeing issues that impact on members of the dental team. We will continue to undertake activities that raise the profile of mental health and wellbeing in the dental profession and encourage members of the dental team to manage their mental health and wellbeing.

Education and support

All members of the dental team (including students) are our most important stakeholders and the reason for our existence. We will engage with stakeholders through a range of responsive channels to ensure that we understand and respond appropriately to their needs. We will provide education, support and resources to help improve mental health and wellbeing.


In order to meet these strategic directives, the Mindful Smiles Hub needs to consider their capability, work with stakeholders and consider funding options.